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The "Real" Gandalf

Sometimes, people have wondered how Gandalf got  inside Bilbo's house to be waiting for him when he sneaked away from the party? After all, we are told that, Gandalf was still at the party watching the bemusement while Bilbo, invisible, walked right home, only to find Gandalf waiting for him inside the house.
  The truth of the matter is that Gandalf had a twin brother called Gundolf who helped him out a lot by acting as his double so he could "be present" everywhere. It was not really Gandalf who waited for Bilbo inside the house, it was Gundolf.
  The reason Gandalf did not meet up with Frodo and his friends in Bree is that he had given Gundolf the task of going there. Unfortunately, Gundolf contracted a very bad pneumonia and was laid up for a longish time. Hence, he could not turn up as "Gandalf" at The Prancing Pony. (Gandalf lied about having been imprisoned by Saruman. The truth is that he was drinking his brains out at an establishment in Dale.)
  After Gandalf was killed in Moria, Gundolf, who was getting rather tired of just being his brother's double anyway, dyed his hair white and then arranged a dramatic "return from death" of "Gandalf", now nicknamed "the White" - a subtle dig at the shady dealings of the real Gandalf.  Note that after his "return from death", "Gandalf" was very different; he was much friendlier and nicer and laughed a lot. The laughter was mostly out of pure relief at no longer having to run errands for his power-mad and scheming elder brother. The new "Gandalf" didn't just sneak around and lay convoluted plots - he went places and did things - saving countries and restoring Kings to their thrones by the bushel. The only one who knew the truth was Galadriel, and being a good sort, she observed a discreet silence.

Öjevind Lång

teunc.org Information & Analysis