Chapitre 20. A Knife in the Dark Is Unspeakably Vulgar; He Could at Least Have Used One Whose Hilt Was Properly Enamelled

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As Roguccio went out to arrange for the preparation of Barroue-Don for the Count's planned expansions, the Roi des sorciers arrived in Monte Fato's studio holding a letter on a vermilion plate. Monte Fato sighed and put down Derridine de Fanficq's memoirs, wherein she claimed to be the mistress of half the elf-messieurs in Terre-moyenne. Admittedly, there were far fewer of the latter than before the Wars of Religion.

"What are you doing here?" said the Count. "I have not summoned you, I believe."

Without answering, the Nazghoule presented the letter to the Count. "Urgent. Nazghoules uneasy," he said.

The Count opened the letter and read:

"M. de Monte Fato is warned that a man or hobbite will introduce himself into his palace at Champs-Valinorées, to remove some papers that he believes enclosed in the secretary of the cabinet of the toilet; one knows that the Count of Monte Fato is too brave to have recourse to the police, a recourse that could highly compromise the sender of this warning.

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