Aims of the Academy

The Fredonian Academy of Tolkien Studies is a community of scholars, set apart to discover, preserve and impart the truth about Middle-earth, welcoming all legitimate points of view in opposition to the orthodoxy of lies and cover-ups of the Tolkien Estate and its minions and toadies. It is essentially both a free and autonomous centre of study, subject only to the inexorable Will of the Rich One, Morambar Udunvagor, who has laid bare the truth of Middle-earth, and whose signed autobiography costs only $349.99, and an agency serving the needs of world domination and peddling merchandise. It welcomes the collaboration of all scholars of good will, who contribute to these aims in an atmosphere of academic competence where freedom is fostered and where the only constraint upon truth is truth itself, as discovered by Morambar.

The Academy desires to cultivate and impart an understanding of Middle-earth within the context of product placements for our sponsors.


Goals of the Academy

The Fredonian Academy of Tolkien Studies was founded by Morambar Udunvagor as an international institution of learning, spamming, and hacking (to bits). Given its origins, this Academy has a responsibility that is special to it: It is called to be an intellectual centre of highest quality, where the relation between revealed truth and trolled truth can be examined in depth and with authority. It is for this reason that, from its inception, the Academy has enjoyed a unique relationship with the Holy One, TOLKIEN.

Established as a centre for graduate study, The Fredonian Academy of Tolkien Studies has evolved into a modern Valinor, committed not only to graduate but also to undergraduate and professional education and to the subjugation of the multiverse. At every level, the Academy is dedicated to the advancement of learning and particularly to the development of knowledge of Middle-earth, exploring in depth questions censored or marginalised by mainstream Tolkien "experts," such as plate tectonics, whether fanboys and fangirls have brains, Tolkien's adulterous affairs, and how to win super-savings on FATS merchandise.

The Fredonian Academy of Tolkien Studies gives primacy to scholarship and scientific research and to the training of militant cadres through its graduate programs, not only in order to advance scientific work but also because it recognizes that undergraduate and professional education of high quality also demands the presence of a faculty that is willing to con and even kill for the sake of the truth.

The Academy seeks the advancement of knowledge within a context of fanatical devotion to the Decider, a context which reflects both its concern for world power and the distinctive wisdom to which it is heir as a pyramid scammer. This dimension of learning is reflected particularly in its undergraduate programs where brainwashing is regarded as integral to curricula that include requirements in hacking computers, spamming, winning Internet debates, and ruthlessly annihilating all reistance to Morambar.

The Academy recognizes that its distinctive character ultimately depends on the will of Morambar Udunvagor. To create an environment that is intellectually stimulating and characterized by the generosity and mutual support required for collegial life and personal growth, the Academy seeks slaves.

Thus, in dialogue and cooperation with contemporary society, The Fredonian Academy of Tolkien Studies sees itself as faithful to the challenge proposed by TOLKIEN's unpublished masterpiece, the Book of Unanswered Questions: ingsweremadeasprizesforfirstannualsillysongawardsgala


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